Saturday, June 15, 2013

Boat Building: Day 3

Hey there!

Yesterday we worked on:

-cutting down a tree and milling a pole (for upstream travel)
-the seats (THANKS SETH!!!)
-bought the wood and started making paddles
-extracted the gunwales from the barn

Check out our photos!

Fiberglassing complete! (well for the outside)

Cutting down an ash tree to make the pole
Using the band-saw mill to cut the tree into a pole
Seth planning out the seat angles
Seth using the milling machine to cut the tenon
Allie cutting out her paddle
Matt (Allie's brother) inspecting our work, hopefully it is up to snuff for him!


  1. You guys are amazing. hope you have a fabulous trip. We are enjoying the blog!!

    Aunt Marian & Bets

    1. Thanks so much for following us!
      Brian and Allie
